HPV Infections - Key Facts and Figures
HPV infections are the recognized cause of cancer of the cervix in women.
There are over 20 million people infected by this virus at any given time and over 6 million new cases of HPV that occur in the United States each year.
Although HPV infections are generally not dangerous to heterosexual men, they do nonetheless need to be evaluated and treated in order to decrease the chance of spreading the disease to their current partners and to minimize the chance of spreading to potential future uninfected partners.
HPV has been associated with a higher rate of certain types of malignancies in the gay population.
The highest rates of HPV infections are consistently found among sexually active men and women.
It is estimated that at least 50% of sexually active men and women will acquire genital HPV infection at some point in their lives, and some studies suggest that the number infected can be substantially higher.
More than 50% of HPV infections occur in women and men between the ages of 15 and 25 years of age.
Studies have documented that up to 80% of all sexually active men and women will acquire the infection at some point in their lives by the age of 50.
Many cases are transient and clear up on their own, but the ones that do not can be problematic if they progress into cancer.
The lower risk strains of the virus do not have the potential to progress into cervical cancer, but they are responsible for genital warts, which can be highly contagious and their evaluation and treatment can be a prolonged process if they are not contained early.
There are over 20 million people infected by this virus at any given time and over 6 million new cases of HPV that occur in the United States each year.
Although HPV infections are generally not dangerous to heterosexual men, they do nonetheless need to be evaluated and treated in order to decrease the chance of spreading the disease to their current partners and to minimize the chance of spreading to potential future uninfected partners.
HPV has been associated with a higher rate of certain types of malignancies in the gay population.
The highest rates of HPV infections are consistently found among sexually active men and women.
It is estimated that at least 50% of sexually active men and women will acquire genital HPV infection at some point in their lives, and some studies suggest that the number infected can be substantially higher.
More than 50% of HPV infections occur in women and men between the ages of 15 and 25 years of age.
Studies have documented that up to 80% of all sexually active men and women will acquire the infection at some point in their lives by the age of 50.
Many cases are transient and clear up on their own, but the ones that do not can be problematic if they progress into cancer.
The lower risk strains of the virus do not have the potential to progress into cervical cancer, but they are responsible for genital warts, which can be highly contagious and their evaluation and treatment can be a prolonged process if they are not contained early.