Every Nation Has a Right to Defend Itself
This includes the state of Israel and the world needs to recognize that they have a right to go into the Palestinian authority area of Jordan and seek to kill any international terrorist group or group which claims responsibility for a murderous suicide attack on innocent civilian life within Israel.
Some believe that the helicopter attacks by Israel on specific targets in the Palestinian area are unjust.
However, for those in the United States of America who somehow believe the United States of America and its military will not go in seek out and kill international terrorist who attack our transportation system, our strategic energy assets or fly aircraft into buildings is clearly on drugs.
In fact after 911 the United States military went to Afghanistan in defeating the Taliban and we have every right to do so.
It is clearly unfortunate that some people do not understand this principle.
I doubt if any first world nation would except in international terrorist attacks on its citizens, nor what its citizens expect anything less then an aggressive effort to either brings injustice or group or international terrorist organization which cause the event or the nation state, which sponsored it.
Indeed, the United Nations also needs to understand that before it takes sides with poorer nations who allow their governments to sponsor international terrorist; that this is unacceptable behavior and the country, which was attacked as every right to bring injustice the attackers or reciprocate to prevent future attacks.
Consider this in 2006.