Steps To Muscle Building Without Stress
Stick to basic exercises and movements. If your aim is to increase muscle mass, you do not need any new or exotic movement to increase the size of your muscles. Leave exotic exercises for professional bodybuilders who want to build muscles in almost every possible area of the body. Basic exercises like squats, bench presses, arm curls, shoulder presses and rows are more than sufficient for the average individual to build muscles.
Learn the proper form of every exercise that you do. The easiest way to do this is to workout with very light weights for a few days before using heavier loads. This will help your muscles to better adjust to the movement. It will also help you to know when you are going out of form when carrying heavier loads. Proper form will help you to focus and to get the best results from your exercises. You should not use any weight that you cannot carry without going out of form.
Use rest to your advantage. Your muscles do not grow when you are working out. Growth occurs when muscles are at rest. Each muscle group should be trained a maximum of two times weekly. This will help you to have enough recovery time for maximal growth. You should also use higher intensity and forced reps. Reduce the time that you spend on your workouts. You can actually do a very good workout in a one hour training session. The best muscle building combination is a short and intensive workout with a long period of rest.
The best approach to nutrition is to stick to a balanced diet that consists of the basic food types. You have to eat enough of the right type of food in order to achieve optimum muscle development. Do not just stuff yourself with protein. Aim to find a balance in every meal that you take. You need all food types in the right proportions. You can throw in some of your favorite foods from time to time as long as you are not eating them every day. Remember to drink sufficient amount of water everyday.