How to Polish Dull Aluminum
- 1). Clean the aluminum thoroughly to remove all dirt and dust particles, using a bucket of warm soapy water and sponge. Rinse and dry with towels.
- 2). Begin the abrasion process. You should be wearing a dust mask. Wet the grit paper as well as the aluminum before sanding. Start by sanding the entire area with the 60 grade grit paper before working up one grade to the next. Ensure you remove all marks left by the previous grit each time. Finish by using 320 grade grit paper.
- 3). Buff and shine the area in circular motions using mops and cutting compounds. First you will need to use a brown cutting compound with a sisal mop. Next use a rouge cutting compound with a calico mop. The amount of cutting compound required depends on the surface area you are polishing. Always follow the instructions on the packaging.
- 4). Remove any marks or smudges using a chamois leather.