Count to 10 in Spanish
Children sometimes learn how to count to 10 in a foreign language merely because it's fun to do so. But knowing the numbers can also be quite practical when traveling or shopping.
Difficulty: Average
Time Required: 10 minutes
Here's How:
- To say "one," say "uno" ("OO-no," same as the name of the card game, rhymes with "Juno").
- To say "two," say "dos" (like a "dose" of medicine).
- To say "three," say "tres" (like "tress" except that the "r" is pronounced with a flap of the tongue against the roof of the mouth).
- To say "four," say "cuatro" ("KWAH-tro," but again the "r" has a distinctive sound that is unlike English"s).
- To say "five," say "cinco" ("SINK-oh").
- To say "six," say "seis" ("SAYSS," rhymes with "trace").
- To say "seven," say "siete" (roughly "SYET-tay" with the first syllable rhyming with the Russian "nyet").
- To say "eight," say "ocho" ("OH-cho," rhymes with "coach-oh").
- To say "nine," say "nueve" (roughly "NWEHV-ay," with the first syllable rhyming with "Bev").
- To say "ten," say "diez" ("dyess," rhymes with "yes").
- Review a Spanish pronunciation guide, or listen to the numbers spoken if you can.
- Note that in a sentence, "un" ("oon," rhymes with "tune") and "una" ("OON-ah," rhymes with "luna,") are often used to mean "one," just as we often use "a" or "an" to mean "one."