How to Save Money by Building Solar Panels at Home
A photovoltaic panel uses photovoltaic cells (also known as solar cells) to convert solar energy into electrical power. Due to the small amount of conversion rate, solar panels need to be big, and if you're buying them, you'll have to spend a lot of money.
Solar Panels use photons from the sun to generate electricity through the photovoltaic effect. Most modules use water-based crystalline silicon cells or a thin-film cell (based on cadmium telluride or silicon). The cells are then connected electrically to one another and to the rest of system, being protected from mechanical damage and protected from moisture.
A basic solar installation can cost over $28,000 so unless you're ready to make an investment that big, you won't have solar panels. But if you make them at home you'll be able to cut costs and make it possible to get them for under $200!
If you browse on the internet, you can find some guides on making them at home, but it's all very confusing without a full guide. I'll talk about the best guide I found later, but for now, here are some of the advantages of using solar power energy:
Solar tax credits and rebates
Save on your electrical bill
Help the environment
A good guide should include video help with step by step guidance, so that you know exactly what you're doing, and that is not always easy to find.
So you'll be helping not only you, but everyone! Build your own solar panels and save energy and money!
Want to get the full guide? Do you want make your own solar panels and start to make that electrical bill residual? Then">Click Here!