Bridge the Gap
Yesterday we were to make the decision to forgive someone that has done us wrong.
Today, let's make the decision to repair, restore, and reconcile a relationship.
I know that we all have relationships that have been damaged and unforgiveness set in.
Today make the decision to start working on that relationship.
Make sure that it is an appropriate relationship; one that you need in your life.
Start with forgiving that person for whatever they did.
It may be your mom, dad, brother, sister, husband, wife, son or daughter that you need to forgive.
Take the first step in the healing of that relationship today by forgiving them.
Release any and all negative feelings you have towards them.
Begin to take down the walls that have been built between you and them.
Walls are nothing more than a prison that keeps us locked up and unable to walk in our destiny.
We need more bridges in our relationships; walls are preventing us from healing those damaged friendships.
Be the one who takes the first step to bridging the gap.
It takes more courage and integrity to attempt to make things right than it does to hold that grudge.
Anybody can hold unforgiveness and a grudge against someone, but a person of destiny will take that step to make things right.
They may not respond accordingly but don't let that discourage you.
You do what is right no matter what happens and you will find that those relationships will begin to come back together.