Why Do I Keep Developing Tonsil Stones?
It seems that there has been a rise in the number of people complaining about tonsil stones in recent years. Fortunately, there has also been a corresponding increase in the number of treatment options that are available. While none of them get rid of the problem for good, a few of them are very effective, when used regularly, at eliminating this embarrassing problem.
It's definitely no fun at all when one of these annoying little tonsil rocks gets stuck right at the base of your throat. It won't go up. It won't go down. It hurts to swallow, and if you're really unlucky, it will have the most awful taste imaginable. Getting these things to go one way or the other is often and challenge, and can even leave you feeling a little queasy afterward.
If you have ever wondered where your bad breath comes from, this will certainly give you a clue. Tonsilloliths are made up of the exact same bacterial sulfur compounds that give you bad breath. In fact, these tonsil stones are sometime the *only* cause of your halitosis problem. Get rid of them, and you get rid of the bad breath too!
It isn't recommended to try and dig into your throat or mouth with your fingers to get rid of them however. On top of being pretty unsanitary when you think about it, you also run the risk of scratching your throat with your fingernails, or accidentally tripping your gag reflex and making an even bigger mess of things! There are far better ways of treating the problem.
Though this still isn't the best solution, and if you insist on getting them out "manually" be sure to wash your hands very well before starting, and use clean cotton balls instead of directly using your fingers. It's better to pull them out of your mouth then to push them down your throat, as doing that will increase the risk of doing damage. Remember also, that you may have tonsil stones in places you can't see or reach, so this isn't the ultimate answer.
The primary option that I would recommend is to invest in a tonsil stone removal kit. Though not the cheapest option, it is the one that is guaranteed to remove ALL of the tonsilloliths from your mouth and throat. Used regularly, you will never have a problem with these nasty things again. And odds are, your bad breath will become a thing of the past too. After all, how much is always having fresh clean breath worth?
It's definitely no fun at all when one of these annoying little tonsil rocks gets stuck right at the base of your throat. It won't go up. It won't go down. It hurts to swallow, and if you're really unlucky, it will have the most awful taste imaginable. Getting these things to go one way or the other is often and challenge, and can even leave you feeling a little queasy afterward.
If you have ever wondered where your bad breath comes from, this will certainly give you a clue. Tonsilloliths are made up of the exact same bacterial sulfur compounds that give you bad breath. In fact, these tonsil stones are sometime the *only* cause of your halitosis problem. Get rid of them, and you get rid of the bad breath too!
It isn't recommended to try and dig into your throat or mouth with your fingers to get rid of them however. On top of being pretty unsanitary when you think about it, you also run the risk of scratching your throat with your fingernails, or accidentally tripping your gag reflex and making an even bigger mess of things! There are far better ways of treating the problem.
Though this still isn't the best solution, and if you insist on getting them out "manually" be sure to wash your hands very well before starting, and use clean cotton balls instead of directly using your fingers. It's better to pull them out of your mouth then to push them down your throat, as doing that will increase the risk of doing damage. Remember also, that you may have tonsil stones in places you can't see or reach, so this isn't the ultimate answer.
The primary option that I would recommend is to invest in a tonsil stone removal kit. Though not the cheapest option, it is the one that is guaranteed to remove ALL of the tonsilloliths from your mouth and throat. Used regularly, you will never have a problem with these nasty things again. And odds are, your bad breath will become a thing of the past too. After all, how much is always having fresh clean breath worth?