Searching for Love - STOP NOW!
CEASE AND DESIST! Love is a gift, given to us by our creator.
We are already love and so is everyone else.
But life has thrown us many darts and caused us to place walls of invisible armor around our hearts, just for a false sense of protection.
We don't want to be hurt again so we stop ourselves from remaining open to love.
Ask people you know exactly how and where they met the love of their lives? Did they plan it and go searching for it or did it happen by surprise, perhaps when they were totally not expecting or thinking about it? We have all heard this old familiar saying, "It never rains but it pours.
" You may have discovered this yourself when it comes to relationships.
When you are lonely, have nobody to be with on the weekends, have nobody to talk to on the phone, that loneliness seems to persist and become larger and more unbearable.
And then, when you find someone to be with, to talk on the phone with and to plan your weekends with, suddenly other people show up and become interested in you.
Suddenly you have choices where none existed before.
So here is the catch.
At those times when you feel most alone, when you feel lonely and depressed and begin to believe that you will never find someone to love, those are the times to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.
Look in the mirror.
Say loving, kind, accepting and appreciative words to the person you see.
Love yourself.
Acknowledge yourself.
Believe in yourself, even, and especially, when nobody else seems to care about you.
Like attracts like.
We are actually energy magnets.
If your energy is low and heavy and wrapped up in "poor me" mentality, others can sense your energy and will be repelled.
Energy does not have boundaries.
Therefore, when you are feeling restricted, unloved, unloving and negative, that energy goes out to the world and far away distant places and actually boomerangs back to you.
In that state of constricted energy, if you go out looking for love, it is quite unlikely that you will find it.
Instead, you might connect with someone who offers a sense of a momentary high but most probably you will end up disappointed.
The first and most important step is to transform your own energy, go inside your own consciousness and find the love, find the acceptance, find the appreciation.
Then go out into the world expecting to meet others who will appreciate, accept and eventually love you.
Stop seeking love.
Find the love within yourself first.
Then go out into the world and let love find you.