5 Tips to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Or Ex Boyfriend to Return Your Phone Call
If you could only speak with them and communicate how you feel, then they could begin to understand how you feel and perhaps the relationship could be saved.
However, you may be feeling very insecure about your ability to communicate honestly and clearly and at the same time your ex will not even return your phone calls.
If that is the case, here are 5 tips on how to get your ex to return your call.
Tip 1 - Don't plead Pleading tends to overwhelm the other person.
If anything, it may tend to push the other person away.
You need to create an attraction, not repel them.
This is why jealousy is so powerful.
If you can arouse jealousy in another person you can be assured that (at least at that moment) that a strong, magnetic attraction has been created.
Pleading at most will create a feeling of guilt in the other person.
Guilt is not a great foundation for a long-term relationship.
Tip 2 - Don't Create a False Emergency When you create a false emergency you again are overwhelming the other person.
People don't like to be overwhelmed and using this tactic will usually backfire.
In the short term you may get some attention but as soon as the emergency has passed you are back to square one.
Tip 3 - Create a Sense of Curiosity Curiosity is a very strong human motivator.
You could probably call any person on the planet and say, "Please call me back.
I have some amazing news that will literally change your life.
" and they would return your call.
Marketers have known this for generations.
In fact, if you read to the end of this article I am going to reveal a single sentence that you can use to have anyone eating out of your hand.
This sentence is very powerful and you will have to be very careful how you use it.
How are you feeling? Can't wait to get to the end of the article to find out what the secret sentence is? See how powerful curiosity is? Use this to your advantage when you are leaving a message with your ex.
"Hey John.
Just wanted to let you know that I may be out of town for a few weeks and won't be able to be reached.
Just wanted to let you know in case you needed to reach me.
" So where are you going? What are you doing? What's up? Most people will need to find out.
Of course, don't just make something up.
It has to be true, but even the most mundane activity can be intriguing if presented in the right light.
Tip 4 - Use Self Interest Everyone loves to be flattered.
Use this to your advantage.
"Hey Sally.
I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate what you said the other day.
It really made my day.
Please give me a call so that I can thank you" Here you have used self interest with a healthy dose of curiosity.
Not only does the person you called feel good but they are wondering, "What was it I said the other day?" However, before you call you need to figure out what he/she did that you appreciate.
It can be any small thing...
but needs to be plausible.
If you put your mind to this you will find that it is not all that difficult to come up with something.
Tip 5 - Don't Act Desperate This will tend to scare most people away.
Try quiet confidence instead.