Cold Cloisonne Instructions
- To begin this project you need to prepare the surface that you will be working on by applying the design to the hardboard surface. Cut a piece of paper the same size as the hardboard and draw out your picture or design. Then spray the hardboard with spray adhesive. Lay the picture on top of the adhesive and smooth it out. Allow this to dry before moving on to the next step.
- The next step in the process is to add the texture that mimics the metal wires in true cloisonne. This is done with a thick thread (upholstery thread works well) covered by foil and gold leaf.
To apply the thread, you will again spray the surface with adhesive and, using your drawing as a guide, lay the thread along the drawn lines. Allow this to dry before applying the aluminum foil.
Cut the foil slightly larger than the board surface leaving a 1/2-inch to 1-inch border. To apply the foil, lay it on a flat surface shiny side up and spray with adhesive. Then carefully lay the board onto the foil, picture side down, so that the foil is covering your thread. Gently fold the border of the foil over the edges of the board and smooth down.
Flip the board over and begin to gently burnish with a soft cloth to bring out the design. Use erasers, cuticle pushers, rounded toothpicks and other small blunt objects to burnish tight areas and bring out details. Once the piece has been burnished, apply gold leaf according to the manufacturer's directions and burnish in the same manner as the foil. - The final step is to fill the areas between the threads with color and epoxy resin. To mix the color enamels that will fill these areas, place a small amount of oil paint in a paint-palette well and add polyurethane. Mix the paint and the polyurethane with a toothpick and examine the color. If it is too light add more paint and if it is too dark add more polyurethane. Several additives can be placed into the mixture to affect the look of the enamel, such as pearl and metallic powder or glitter.
Acrylic paint can be used in place of oil paints by also replacing the polyurethane with polycrylic.
Use toothpicks to fill tiny delicate areas in your design and popsicle sticks or plastic spoons to fill larger areas.
Once the color has dried, finish your project by filling the surface with a two-part epoxy resin. It is important to follow the manufacturer's directions closely and work on a level surface when using the epoxy. Keep cotton swabs and odorless turpentine on hand in case of spills and drips, or place a drop cloth under the work surface.