Massage Therapy Insurance for Schools
- Being covered by insurance can give a massage therapist peace of mind.Thalasso image by Christophe Schmid from
As careers in massage therapy gain in popularity and schools fill their classrooms with numbers of students, the need for insurance rises. Just like any healing profession, having the right insurance can protect therapists from unwanted lawsuits. Massage therapy is a business, and whether you are self-employed or employed through a company, being covered by insurance is a safe bet. Finding the right insurance requires a lot of research. So when looking for insurance, you should first consult your attending school. Schools offer their own insurance while providing discounts available to its students. Some companies request a certain number of hours before offering therapists insurance. An annual fee is also required by some of the more first-rate companies. Comprehensive insurance can cover between $2 to $6 million. - Insurance protection is vital for massage beauty girl massage on white background image by Anatoly Tiplyashin from
Professional liability insurance protects massage therapist against malpractice claims. In the event of a lawsuit in which a client declares negligence or misconduct, professional liability covers the therapists. Some situations are unavoidable. This insurance provides a therapist with coverage against clients claiming injury occurring in the treatment room due to the products used during a session, or even the massage itself. - General liability insurance protects against potential's treatment image by TEMISTOCLE LUCARELLI from
General liability insurance covers claims filed by clients who fall or trip during a massage session on a therapist's property. Unfortunately, accidents happen. When accidents occur during a session, whether it's in or outside the workplace, the result can negatively affect the future of the business if an owner lacks this coverage. - Customer satisfaction also relies heavily on insurance coverage.massage therapy at the spa image by MAXFX from
Product liability insurance protects against claims made as a result of physical damage during a session from the use of products such as oils or lotions. People react differently to products used on the skin. You never know when a client will break out as a result of your products. Product liability coverage is the best way to combat this negative situation. - Protecting rented massage therapy equipment is important.massage room image by Dragan Trifunovic from
Rental damage insurance reimburses a therapist for any rental equipment damage. When you set up shop as a massage therapist, most of your equipment will probably be rented, especially as a novice therapist. Tthis insurance covers damage to the rented equipment used within your workplace. - Anything used during a session is valuable to a therapist and should be products image by Fotocie from
The name of this insurance pretty much says it all. Lost or stolen equipment insurance will compensate you for any loss of equipment used to conduct your business. Equipment includes anything from massage tables to the basics necessities needed to do your job to the best of your abilities. If any of these items are misplaced or taken from you, this insurance will cover your loss and replace the missing items. - Maintaining your good name is essential in form image by Alexey Klementiev from
Identity protection insurance provides protection against anyone who illegally uses your identity. Identity fraud is a big problem today and affects many people. Protection against someone unlawfully posing as you or your business is important professionally as well.