Prostate and Cancer - Fundamental Things You Should Know Immediately About the Cancer
Prostate produce semen fluid that nourishes sperm.
In young men, gland prostate sized like Walnut, then the gland would enlarge with age.
Three common disorder affect the prostate are: benign prostatic, prostate cancer, and prostatitis.
What exactly Prostate Cancer Is? itis more accurately described as a cancer that develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system.
This occurs when prostate cells mutate and begin to grow out of control.
These cells may spread from the prostate to other body parts, especially bones and lymph nodes.
Prostate cancer has become one of the most frequent types of cancer in male.
Commonly, this cancer found in elder men because the risk of the disease are increased by age.
Large number of this cancer are diagnosed in men aged fifty or above.
Since the disease usually grows very slow and could take decades to produce symptoms, many men with prostate cancer die without ever knowing that the cancer was present.
What Causes the disease? The exact cause of prostate cancer remains a mystery.
Scientists and researchers estimated this cancer occurs due to a combination of several factors, such as derivatives, ethnicity, hormones,diet or food and environment.
Signs and Symptoms In early stage, prostate cancer usually cause no symptoms.
These symptoms do not developed until the cancer grows large then compress urethra to partially block the flow of urine.
It will cause pain and difficulty urinating, erectile dysfunction and other symptoms.
Worse, in advance stage it may cause bloody urine or sudden inability to urinate.