An Insight Into Symptoms Of Uterus Fibroids
Enlisted are some of the most common symptoms of uterus fibroids:
Backache or leg pains
Heavier bleeding during menstrual periods
Bleeding or spotting between periods
Periods that last for longer duration
Frequent urination or inability to control urination
Pressure or pelvic pain
If you are someone suffering from all or some of these above slated symptoms then make sure you visit doctor immediately and have an ultrasound or other pelvic exam for the exact diagnosis. Although it has been found that these fibroids are not associated with any kind of cancer, they often lead to troublesome symptoms and severe pain.
When these are detected at an early stage and with right medical therapy you can live a hassle free life. Often the condition is grave that there arises the need for surgical procedures to get rid of the symptoms. If symptoms persist then there are various options that are available for the treatment. Intake of oral contraceptives will help in decreasing the size of fibroids. Doctor will prescribe other medications also so that you can feel at ease.
The treatment is entirely dependent on the symptoms that vary from one patient to the other. Myomectomy is one of the aggressive forms of surgical treatment in which doctors remove uterine fibroids. The sole peril with the entire procedure is the fact that fibroids may return. Hysterectomy is the most radical and preferred treatments in which complete uterus is removed. Although this is the permanent solution to get rid of excessive bleeding, it is not the right option for women who want to have kids.
Most of the women suffering from uterus fibroids have no symptoms, and thus determining the type of treatment is usually wait and see technique. These are not cancerous in nature. Hence they seldom hinder the pregnancy. Their growth is very slow and usually shrinks when a woman nears menopause. As every case is different and no two women have similar location, size and pattern and symptoms of fibroids so is the selection of treatment