6 Ways to Make Your Video Stand Out!
Even people who have nothing to sell, knows this.
Look around.
Videos are everywhere, the internet is packed full of people who use them to show everything from their lives to their products, but most of them don't accomplish what they are trying to.
The ones trying to sell something aren't positioned to actually make those sells.
So, how are you going to position your videos so it captures leads and generates money for you? Have you ever heard of Branding? You know those big, passionate, communicating videos that tell people who you are and why you do what you do? Can you think of too many people who have them? The few people who do have spent anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000 to have a professional crew craft it for them, and filmed it for three months.
Most people don't have that kind of money to spend.
But other than a six man crew and the fancy equipment, what is the difference between the videos they're making and the ones you do? 1.
Feeling - These people know how to influence how someone feels as they watch the video.
Music - Have you ever listened to music and had it invoke an emotional response? Hollywood uses this tactic constantly.
They use it to invoke suspense, happiness, sadness, etc.
Next time you watch a movie notice when the music plays and how it makes you feel.
Study this and you'll learn when to use it, and what to use in your own videos.
Stories - Stories show the wear and tear from the fabric of our lives, and when you start incorporating your story into it, your viewer will start to connect with you.
Location - Sometimes location is key.
If you're standing in front of a beat up old house, or a place covered in trash it's going to create a very different feel then if you're in front of a clean, beautiful lawn.
Lighting - If you have bad lighting that feeling you're trying to invoke with location isn't going to matter much, because they won't be able to see it.
Sound - Above all this is one of the most important aspects.
If your audience can't hear the video they won't bother watching it.
Learn to create the emotional triggers you're looking for in your audience and you will start to see a major difference in the way your videos are looked at, and the responses they elicit from those people you are targeting.