Refined Sugars And Removing Processed Grains From Your Diet
Sugar is an antinutrient (Especially refined sugars) offering insignificant amounts of vitamins and minerals and robbing your body of precious nutrient stores.
This inevitably leads to diseases of the new millennium such as chronic fatigue, ADD, ADHD, heart disease, diabetes, and cancers.
Refined sugars unnaturally elevate insulin and leptin hormone.
Prolonged spiking and elevation of insulin and leptin lead to insulin and leptin resistance.
Insulin and leptin resistance cause diabetes and weight-loss resistance or the inability to burn fat for energy, respectively.
High glycemic foods or refined sugars cause elevated glucose, which elevates insulin, leading to premature aging and degenerative diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease (inflammation of the arteries), and cancer.
Removing processed grains and refined sugars seems tough, because they are everywhere.
Yes, this includes white rice, white pasta, and white bread.
These are processed grains that turn into "sugar" and raise glucose and insulin the same as sucrose, fructose, or any other "-ose.
" Wheat flour / Refined sugars To identify acceptable grains, the words whole, stone-ground, or sprouted must be before the word wheat or other grain's name.
For example, if it doesn't say the words whole wheat, it is processed.
Wheat flour is not a whole grain and is thus disease-causing to your body.
One-third of refined sugars consumption comes from soft drinks, while two-thirds of our sugar intake comes from hidden sources, including lunch meats, pizza, sauces, breads, soups, crackers, fruit drinks, canned foods, yogurt, ketchup, and mayonnaise.
Removing all refined sugar (high fructose corn syrup,dextrose sugar etc..
) is by far the hardest of the three Beginner changes, but it is equally as important as the others, partly because most Americans are addicted to sugary foods.
To our bodies, sugar is a drug.
If there is any lingering doubt of this fact, just talk to someone who gave up sugar and experienced classic detox symptoms like headaches, shakes, gastrointestinal trouble, fatigue and mood swings.
These symptoms alone should serve as a warning about how dangerous sugar is to the body.
With sugar removed from a child's diet, the child will experience less sickness, fewer behavioral problems, better sleep, and better grades.
Experience has shown that it takes about one week for cravings for sugar and breads to cease.
Any indilgence in sugar during this time, no matter how small, will trigger cravings.
Therefore, I tend to adopt an "all-or-nothing" approach to sugar.
Myth: I eat very little sugar, and I am still overweight.
Truth: Americans consume an average of one hundred twenty pounds of sugar per year, per person, compared to five pounds per year per family in the early 1900's.
These sugars are hidden in virtually every boxed food, cereal, and cracker.
Fruit juices that are labled "100% juice" typically contain more sugar than a can of soda.
This inevitably leads to diseases of the new millennium such as chronic fatigue, ADD, ADHD, heart disease, diabetes, and cancers.
Refined sugars unnaturally elevate insulin and leptin hormone.
Prolonged spiking and elevation of insulin and leptin lead to insulin and leptin resistance.
Insulin and leptin resistance cause diabetes and weight-loss resistance or the inability to burn fat for energy, respectively.
High glycemic foods or refined sugars cause elevated glucose, which elevates insulin, leading to premature aging and degenerative diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease (inflammation of the arteries), and cancer.
Removing processed grains and refined sugars seems tough, because they are everywhere.
Yes, this includes white rice, white pasta, and white bread.
These are processed grains that turn into "sugar" and raise glucose and insulin the same as sucrose, fructose, or any other "-ose.
" Wheat flour / Refined sugars To identify acceptable grains, the words whole, stone-ground, or sprouted must be before the word wheat or other grain's name.
For example, if it doesn't say the words whole wheat, it is processed.
Wheat flour is not a whole grain and is thus disease-causing to your body.
One-third of refined sugars consumption comes from soft drinks, while two-thirds of our sugar intake comes from hidden sources, including lunch meats, pizza, sauces, breads, soups, crackers, fruit drinks, canned foods, yogurt, ketchup, and mayonnaise.
Removing all refined sugar (high fructose corn syrup,dextrose sugar etc..
) is by far the hardest of the three Beginner changes, but it is equally as important as the others, partly because most Americans are addicted to sugary foods.
To our bodies, sugar is a drug.
If there is any lingering doubt of this fact, just talk to someone who gave up sugar and experienced classic detox symptoms like headaches, shakes, gastrointestinal trouble, fatigue and mood swings.
These symptoms alone should serve as a warning about how dangerous sugar is to the body.
With sugar removed from a child's diet, the child will experience less sickness, fewer behavioral problems, better sleep, and better grades.
Experience has shown that it takes about one week for cravings for sugar and breads to cease.
Any indilgence in sugar during this time, no matter how small, will trigger cravings.
Therefore, I tend to adopt an "all-or-nothing" approach to sugar.
Myth: I eat very little sugar, and I am still overweight.
Truth: Americans consume an average of one hundred twenty pounds of sugar per year, per person, compared to five pounds per year per family in the early 1900's.
These sugars are hidden in virtually every boxed food, cereal, and cracker.
Fruit juices that are labled "100% juice" typically contain more sugar than a can of soda.