Calories Burned by an Elliptical Trainer
- The elliptical machine has two primary benefits: it is low impact, and it works both the upper and lower body simultaneously. The pedals of the elliptical cycle much like a bike, meaning the user's feet never leave the machine. Consequently, the body never has to absorb the shock of the foot hitting the pavement or a treadmill platform again, making the elliptical much easier on the back and knees than running.
Ellipticals are built with hand bars that move at the pace of the feet. Users can hold on to the hand bars, exercising and toning the arms and upper body while using the lower body to pedal. This also raises the heart rate, providing a more efficient cardio workout. - In a 30-minute workout, the elliptical can surpass running in terms of sheer calories burned. The specific number of calories burned will depend on the weight of the individual. A 150-pound person can expect to burn 386 calories during a 30-minute elliptical workout. Running 6 mph, a person of the same weight would burn 342 calories (this pace means running a 10-minute mile). The resistance and speed of the elliptical can be adjusted, which of course would change the number of calories burned.
- Elliptical trainers have become popular due to a variety of features that provide a comprehensive workout. The wide foot petals accommodate all foot sizes. The hand bars generally have heart rate sensors to monitor the user's heart rate, and most come with a second set of stationary hand bars if the user does not want to work the upper body. These generally have heart rate sensors as well.
Like treadmills and other equipment, ellipticals have training programs built in to focus on cardio, muscle development or fat burning. They also have an option to work with no program.
Ellipticals allow for forward and backward motion to work different muscles in the lower body. - Some find the elliptical uncomfortable, as the motion is unique to the elliptical and not used for any other exercise. Of course, ellipticals can only be used at a gym or at home, limiting the places working out is possible. While working on an elliptical will increase the body's overall capability to exercise, it may be difficult to temporarily use another method of working out (such as running), if one is on vacation or if there is not a health club nearby.
- Ellipticals are large pieces of exercise equipment, bigger than most treadmills. They can be comfortably used by people of nearly every size, but before buying one, consider that it will take up most of the space in a room of a house. The machines are not easily moved, so placing one in a living room in order to watch TV while exercising is not recommended. Generally, they are used in fitness centers rather than for personal use at home.