Acupressure for Labour
The Chinese also used fine needles and inserted them into these energy points to stimulate the flow of energy. Over time they discovered other parts of the body could sometimes be helped by stimulating various pressure points. In more modern time electro-acupressure has developed in which the use of electrical current is such as is used in a TENS unit is applied to the needles to invigorate the pressure points.
Acupressure and acupuncture is a healing system which has been used for thousands of years for many conditions including the assistance of childbirth and labor. Today there are specially trained acupuncturists who work closely with doctors during the labor and birth process to decrease pain and strengthen labour.
To Induce or strengthen labour using acupressure the LI4 point is often used. Located between the thumb and index finger LI4 is easiest found by bringing thumb and index finger together. The muscle on the hand will bulge slightly near where the thumb joins the hand and right above the web between finger and thumb. This acupressure point is used for all sorts of conditions one of which can be to strengthen a lagging labor. Pressure is applied in a firm circular motion. Do not stimulate this point unless your doctor says you are ready to deliver.
Multiple points exist on the sacrum or tail bone area of the lower back right above the crease of the buttocks which can relieve labour pain. The woman partner can apply pressure to this area to assist in pain relief. Finger tips, knuckles, a tennis ball or an acupressure tool can be used. A circular motion with as much pressure as the mother feels is helpful is used. These acu-points can also be used for lower back pain unrelated to labor.
B67 is a pressure point located is located on the outside of the small toe right beside the toe nail. You can stimulate this point with gentle pressure or rubbing. This acu-point is used to stimulate fetal movement and help correct breech presentations. Another point four finger width above the ankle on the inner leg can also be used to strengthen labour.
These acu-points can be used throughout the day of labour off and on to assist with pain and strengthen labor. With all acupressure or any other alternative treatment used in pregnancy it is important to talk with your doctor or midwife before using these techniques.