Is There a Yeast Infection Cure Out There?
It is normal but it can become a problem.
It becomes a problem when something causes the fungi to grow in excessive amounts.
This excessive growth leads to symptoms such as soreness, burning sensation, redness, burning sensation when urinating, itchiness and can even cause vaginal discharge.
Is there a yeast infection cure out there? Going to a doctor for a yeast infection is pretty useless.
The doctor will diagnose you and give you a cream, lotion, or pills that will treat the symptoms.
For that, there are several over the counter medications that do just that.
You don't need to go to the doctor for that.
But the problem is that they only treat the symptoms.
The root cause of this disease is still there and that is why you keep getting a yeast infection over and over again.
Over the counter creams and ointment do kill the excessive fungi.
However, there are issues that caused it to overgrow in the first place.
So after you are done killing it, it will be only a matter of weeks or days for it to come back again.
If you don't deal with the underlying issue that contributes to this overgrow, you will never get rid of Candida completely.
Some people become reinfected in as little as 2 days! If you are using antibiotics, then that can be a cause for the yeast infection.
Steroid medications such as Prednisone cause it as well.
Even simple hormonal changes can cause this.
This often occurs with pregnant women.
If you wear tight underwear and pants, then you are creating an environment that is perfect for the fungus to grow as it is heated and moisture sets in.
There are scented and dyed products that can cause an outbreak of Candida.
You should avoided scented and colored paper altogether and if you have symptoms, get a yeast infection cure quickly.