Mistakes That Cities Make During Years of Budget Stress
Apparently, Washington DC is going after self-employed people which do any type of business but have never purchased a business license.
The main objective behind this is to raise revenues for a short fall in their budget.
According to the BizJournals of America: "Businesses [in Washington DC] that do not send in a complete license application by their assigned deadline may be subject to a $2,000 fine and more penalties and fees.
The two-year license costs $200, with a $70 application and $25 activity fee due with the application.
The total cost every two years is $295.
" Of course, any reasonable free-enterprise skeptic has to ask; What about the drug dealers, prostitutes, and criminals? DC is still a dangerous place and I understand that DC needs more money, and they need to know who is doing what to protect the capital, but this is such a hostile way to go about it.
There are 10s of 1000s of internet home businesses and MLM people, little time distributors, part time consultants, working out of their homes - poor musicians, baby sitters, part-time maids.
You know it gets a little insane when government attacks the little guys like this.
This strategy back-fired in Los Angeles County and it also turned out to be a huge mistake in Portland Oregon.
Attacking folks in the smallest of small businesses is simply a bad idea and it never works.
Well, I certainly do not approve of these attacks.
Business Licenses for $295.
00 total for Washington DC? But, many of the smallest enterprises do not make that much in a month or 1/2 month, with part-time side gigs.
I think this is in bad spirit of government for the people, what do you think?
The main objective behind this is to raise revenues for a short fall in their budget.
According to the BizJournals of America: "Businesses [in Washington DC] that do not send in a complete license application by their assigned deadline may be subject to a $2,000 fine and more penalties and fees.
The two-year license costs $200, with a $70 application and $25 activity fee due with the application.
The total cost every two years is $295.
" Of course, any reasonable free-enterprise skeptic has to ask; What about the drug dealers, prostitutes, and criminals? DC is still a dangerous place and I understand that DC needs more money, and they need to know who is doing what to protect the capital, but this is such a hostile way to go about it.
There are 10s of 1000s of internet home businesses and MLM people, little time distributors, part time consultants, working out of their homes - poor musicians, baby sitters, part-time maids.
You know it gets a little insane when government attacks the little guys like this.
This strategy back-fired in Los Angeles County and it also turned out to be a huge mistake in Portland Oregon.
Attacking folks in the smallest of small businesses is simply a bad idea and it never works.
Well, I certainly do not approve of these attacks.
Business Licenses for $295.
00 total for Washington DC? But, many of the smallest enterprises do not make that much in a month or 1/2 month, with part-time side gigs.
I think this is in bad spirit of government for the people, what do you think?