How to Throw a Party in The Sims
- 1). Enter the household where you want to throw a party. Choose a Sim, and then click on the telephone.
- 2). Choose the option "Throw a Party" from the phone menu.
- 3). Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 a few times to generate a big party.
- 4). If you have "The Sims: House Party" expansion pack, your Sim can also call Sims individually and invite them over. Once several Sims arrive to the house, the game treats the gathering as a party. Starting with this expansion pack, you can control who is invited to your parties.
- 5). Parties also happen in "The Sims 2." After 8 a.m., make a phone calling using a teenager, adult or elder Sim. One of the options should be "Throw Party." Choose the type of party you want.
- 6). "The Sims 3" offers more promise for parties. In this game, Sims can also arrange the time, location, guests and attire of the party. Parties are still arranged with the "Throw Party" option by phone.