Successful Relationships - Living From Your Heart
Successful relationships begin with two people who find love between one another that allows them to love deeply. Part of this deep love entails the willingness to risk vulnerability. Vulnerability is a lot harder than it sounds. Past memories and experiences of rejection can keep you away from revealing the secret places of your heart. For others pride may stand in the way of letting someone else in to see that you don’t have it all figured out and that in reality you’re quiet the mess.
The reason vulnerability is so freeing and essential to successful relationships is because it is honest and human. When you show a side of you that is sensitive or raw, you are essentially creating a safe environment for the other person to do the same. Once both parties go there and begin to open themselves up to one another then and only then can true intimacy take place with great satisfaction.
Living from your heart also means training your heart to follow your lead. We’ve heard so much, “just follow your heart” but this can be misleading. What if your heart one day is being selfish and doesn’t want to give? What if your heart is feeling lazy and so you don’t take of the responsibilities you promised your partner you would do? It’s during these situations where instead of following you heart, you lead it.
Leading your heart is a simple commitment to love your partner without restriction. It’s directing your heart in the way of love so that the other person is valued and cherished without condition. The heart needs to be disciplined just like a child because the heart can be a bit aloof feeling one way one moment and another the very next. This very thing has lead to the close of many relationships.
Living from the heart is freeing, humble and dedicated to good of the other person. As you begin t journey down this road remember that love gives freely and is the most powerful force in the universe.
If you’re looking to develop a long lasting, successful relationship you must begin t live from a place of surrender so that nothing can steal love’s purpose and intention in your life. It takes time and a dedicated heart to really see significant change.