Break Out and Make Your Cakes Three-Dimensional
Most cakes except wedding cakes have been two-dimensional in nature for the past 30 years.
In fact, even now most birthday cakes you see are simply a cake which is cooked in a shape of a character or object.
The cake is than decorated with icing to finish off the cake.
Three dimensional pans have been designed which are created so that your cake comes out three-dimensional.
This means instead of pouring your cake batter into a flat and even cake pan you actually pour the batter into a molded pan.
The cake is cooked like normal, although it normally takes a 5-10 minutes extra as the center of the cake can sometimes be thicker.
Once cooled the cake can be removed from the pan (as before) and you can decorate it.
However, instead of using the icing for decoration you are actually icing the object.
For example: In a two-dimensional pan of Mickey Mouse you would bake a cake with a face and two ears.
The ears would be drawn black and you would create a cute mickey mouse face.
The three-dimensional one you bake and the whole thing is Mickey Mouse.
You can than decorate the whole thing and it becomes Mickey Mouse.
This cake pan is perfect for all occasions and especially great for children who have a favorite character.
Making the cake actually pop out of the table brings a whole new level of excitement for the child.
The only problem with these three-dimensional cakes is not wanting to wreck the beautiful masterpiece.
Rememer that three-dimensional cakes require a special three-dimensional cake pan as this greatly reduces the work and chance of error!
In fact, even now most birthday cakes you see are simply a cake which is cooked in a shape of a character or object.
The cake is than decorated with icing to finish off the cake.
Three dimensional pans have been designed which are created so that your cake comes out three-dimensional.
This means instead of pouring your cake batter into a flat and even cake pan you actually pour the batter into a molded pan.
The cake is cooked like normal, although it normally takes a 5-10 minutes extra as the center of the cake can sometimes be thicker.
Once cooled the cake can be removed from the pan (as before) and you can decorate it.
However, instead of using the icing for decoration you are actually icing the object.
For example: In a two-dimensional pan of Mickey Mouse you would bake a cake with a face and two ears.
The ears would be drawn black and you would create a cute mickey mouse face.
The three-dimensional one you bake and the whole thing is Mickey Mouse.
You can than decorate the whole thing and it becomes Mickey Mouse.
This cake pan is perfect for all occasions and especially great for children who have a favorite character.
Making the cake actually pop out of the table brings a whole new level of excitement for the child.
The only problem with these three-dimensional cakes is not wanting to wreck the beautiful masterpiece.
Rememer that three-dimensional cakes require a special three-dimensional cake pan as this greatly reduces the work and chance of error!