Gas Price Mafia
One website that is devoted to helping people find ways to get around the oil and gas corporations is Fuel Razer, found at . Fuel Razer offers a complaint form where you can log your opinions about the high price of gas; this form will then be made public to various people who can work to make a change in the situation. They hope to obtain over 1 million comments.
The second reason something hasn't been done is what I call the "pin the tail on the blame game". This one is clever. The oil and gas execs have made so many excuses as to why we have to pay so much at the pump that people are starting to either believe or agree with them. Some will say, "Well, look at how much they pay in Europe. We Americans complain too much". What these individual fail to realize is that the landscape of America is different than Europe. Driving destinations are spaced further apart causing us to have to use greater amounts of fuel throughout our journeys.
Another factor is that no-one know who to blame. I tested a high gas price forum on MySpace to see what reactions I would receive. I wasn't surprised at the fact that there were many angry responses. What did surprise me was the anger showed towards me.
Some were angry that I blamed the oil companies, saying that instead I should blame the auto manufactures. Others didn't understand the dynamics of how higher fuel costs will cause the price of consumer goods to rise, calling me an idiot for suggesting it. The oil companies thrive off of such misguided anger and ignorance; it keeps the attention off of them. It is my strong suggestion that consumers educate themselves to the situation while looking for solutions. Check out sites such as for starters. Use the power of the internet, speak to others, and find strength in numbers. And soon you'll be able to say to the oil and gas mafia, "There ain't nothin' you can do about it".