How To Get Your Ex To Return Your Calls Without Fail
Before we get too into it, here is a short list of some of the things you really do NOT want to let yourself fall into the trap of doing. It is not the end of the world if you already have done one or more of these things, but since it can make things a fair bit harder you should try to avoid finding yourself in a situation where you are:
--Begging him to come back, because without him your life is empty and useless. Even if this is how you feel the Plea as it is called does NOT help your case any. Pleading for him to come back into your life just makes you look weak and like someone he is glad to be out from under.
--Claiming that it is an absolute Emergency and implying that calling you back is a life and death matter. Being so dramatic is not going to make things go any better for you. He knows it is not an emergency, and so do you. It can be hard to deal with this time, but making it out to be an emergency just hurts your chances of getting him back.
--Making some big, long, heartfelt speech on his voicemail about everything you feel and have to get across to him, in the hopes that it will trigger something in his heart and make him come back to you. This only works in the movies...and pretty much never does in real life. Most of the time he will not even hear the whole thing, so save your breath and avoid a lot of humiliation by avoiding doing this.
So now that you know how to NOT make him call you back, here is the secret to getting his attention and all but forcing him to...self-interest and curiosity. These two powerful motivational tools have been used to get people to do unbelievable things that they never would have if they were asked any other way.
Try saying something like this:
"I just wanted to thank you, you really helped me out. I would really love it if you would call me back, because I would like to give you my thanks in person."
This sort of phrasing makes your ex curious just what it was he helped you with, and makes the call seem less threatening or stressful. It doesn't feel like an attempt to convince him to come back, and it also has some intrigue ...he would have a hard time coming up with a reason NOT to call.
But STOP...right HERE! When he calls, it is incredibly important that you have a good idea of exactly what plan to say...if you go into this without an underlying strategy, you could ruin your chances entirely. Do not risk it!