Rock Hard Erection Fast - 5 Natural Herbs That Give You a Harder Erection
First let's look at what you need to get a rock hard erection.
You will need plenty of the male sex hormone for stamina and energy and it's not just vital for sexual health you need it for general health too.
You need strong blood circulation, so blood is sent quickly and in sufficient volume to the sex organs.
When the blood arrives in the area of the sex organs, it needs to be let in to the penis and this means, you need to secrete plenty of nitric oxide.
Nitric oxide is the vital chemical which widens the blood vessels enough, to allow an increased flood of blood into the penis and create an erection.
No erection is possible without nitric oxide, let alone a hard one! Last but not least, the mind also plays a role in sex drive and getting a hard erection.
If you are stressed, worried, and anxious or tired, you will be too exhausted to think about sex.
To have a strong libido, you need a worry free mind and lots of energy.
Let's look at 5 herbs which combined together, will cure all the above problems and can be found in the best herbal sex pills.
Arginine HCL L-Arginine hcl dramatically increases Nitric Oxide levels in the body, it's been nicknamed "Natures Viagra" and is well deserved it works and works quickly.
Cnidium Monnier Cnidium increases the release of nitric oxide while at the same time; inhibiting PDE-5 (just like synthetic drugs) this helps to relax the corpus cavernosal tissue, to provide an increased flow of blood into the penis.
Cnidium also nourishes the blood and increases the strength of blood flow, to all areas of the body including the penis.
Tribulus Terrestris Tibulus is the ultimate energy and sexual stamina herb and this is due to its ability to dramatically increase testosterone production, making it the favorite herb of serious athletes.
Tribulus also acts as a great circulatory system tonic and contains protodioscin, which increases sex drive and also helps sperm motility, in infertile and sub-fertile men.
Horny Goat Weed This herb increases both testosterone and nitric oxide secretion and also contains icariin, which is a cGMP-specific PDE5 inhibitor like prescription drugs.
The herb also is known to reduce stress and anxiety and also boosts energy making it one of the best herbs to increase libido.
Ginkgo Biloba Ginkgo Biloba improves blood flow throughout the body and is seen by many as the best blood circulatory herb; the herb also protects and keeps the blood vessels healthy and reduces furring which can impede blood flow.
The herb also enhances the half-life of the endothelium relaxation factor, which helps you get a harder and hold it for a longer period of time.
The above combination of herbs works and in a controlled test, 87% of men with impotence and erection problems reported better erections and more sexual desire after just two weeks! You can find these herbs for a rock hard erection fast, in all the best herbal sex pills and if you try them, you will be glad you did.