EQ Can Provide a Practical Approach to Sales Training
Top sales performers have displayed a variety of personalities and character traits.
Some accomplished sales people are naturally persuasive or appealing, others are assertive and persistent.
Top performers come in many different forms as they would in any other profession.
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a sociological concept that can be incorporated with sales development.
EQ can be defined as; skill in perceiving, understanding, and managing feelings or emotions.
This particular skill set can benefit your entire organization especially the sales force.
"Interpersonal Intelligence" is also a psychological concept which can be taught.
If you are having tough luck identifying the traits of an "elite sales performer" training an employee on how to identify the traits of a "person" could be a practical solution.
Coaching good sales habits and proper reinforcement are elements that can enhance the performance of any person willing to learn "how to sale" despite their personality trait.
Possessing interpersonal intelligence can provide a sustainable competitive advantage to your organization.
A Forbes article by Steve Cooper; "Look for employees for high EQ over high IQ", depicts a direct link between emotional intelligence and sales.
"One study followed the hiring of sales agents for L'Oreal on the basis of certain emotional competencies.
These agents outsold other salespeople by $91,370 for a net revenue increase of $2,558,360.
If that weren't enough, the high EQ employees had 63% less turnover during the first year than those selected in the typical manner.
" This type of intelligence can be an influential skill to have at the point of sale.
When promoting or selling a product having the slightest idea about a person's desires, emotions, motivations, or intentions can give you valuable consumer insight.
It is the sales professional's role to relay all of the benefits of a product or service to the consumer.
Any hidden needs uncovered can be an added benefit to the consumer.
Sales Training can be conducive when you combine emotional intelligence.
If you can understand basic personality traits and motivations, that knowledge can be conveyed into sales development.
The Harvard Business Review has proclaimed emotional intelligence as "a ground-breaking, paradigm-shattering idea, one of the most influential business ideas of the decade.
" Emotional intelligence can be a primary link to sales training for years to come.
Organizations are trending towards more emotionally intelligent employees and work environments.
This will indirectly have a considerable impact on sales teams and sales training.