Safely Enlarge Your Penis: 5 Things That Will Make It Safe And 5 Things That Will Make It Dangerous!
Am I right? Well, ensuring that you get safe development with your manhood rests with which type of enlargement option you choose.
In today's article I'm going to talk about 5 things that will make your growth safe, natural, and permanent, and also 5 things that can make your development dangerous and filled with side-effects and pain.
Take a few minutes out of your day and read on to find out more.
I hope that by the end of this article, you'll be able to make a wise decision on which type of enlargement method you should go with.
The Dangerous Side Of Enlargement...
) Unnaturally attempting to speed up blood flow.
Taking pills, using patches, or using creams are all unnatural ways to increase blood flow into your penile shaft.
It's very important that blood is increased, but it's just as important to ensure this is done with a very natural approach.
Otherwise, you run the risk of developing severe side-effects.
) Trying to enlarge your corpora cavernosa chambers by trapping blood.
Trapping blood (such as with using clamps) is asking for trouble! This could cause so many problems it's ridiculous! I strongly suggest you avoid any method based around "trapping" blood in your penis.
) Trying to lengthen the penis with aggressive pulling tools.
Your suspensory ligaments must be stretched in order for your manhood to lengthen, but pulling on it using tools (such as extenders and hanging weights) can cause serious damage (which in most cases is irreversible).
) Having implants placed in your manhood to make it thicker or longer.
Surgery can in fact make your penis bigger, but not without serious consequences.
Having implants placed into your penis can cause a wide-array of problems, and your penis will more than likely come out deformed.
Not to mention, the procedures can cost more than a brand a new car! 5.
) Spending too much time with any method trying to enlarge your size.
Exercising to build muscle on your body for hours everyday will yield unwanted results...
and the same goes for the penis.
With the method you choose, a little goes a long way.
The Safer Side Of Enlargement...
) Naturally speeding up blood flow.
If you naturally enhance blood circulation into your penile chambers (such as with eating plenty of raw fruits and veggies, and with naturally stimulating the chambers of your manhood), you will receive pretty significant results.
This will help in expanding your penis, making your erections harder, making your flaccid size bigger, and even improve your prostate health.
) Stimulating growth with your corpora cavernosa chambers and corpus spongiosum chambers by causing cell regeneration.
Breaking down the cells of your penile chambers is the only way to naturally cause these chambers to expand.
Tools or pills can not cause cell regeneration.
) Ensuring that you also strengthen the PC muscle of your penis will make the overall development more significant plus it comes with extra benefits (longer lasting orgasms, explosive ejaculate, and more).
) Naturally and gently stretching the suspensory ligament of your penis without any tool is the safest route to take to not only ensure you get a longer penis, but that you do so naturally.
) Taking it easy.
The penis is an organ, not a muscle.
You can get hardcore with building muscle with your body, but when it comes to the penis, the gentle approach is the best approach.
By first choosing a natural and gentle method to increase your size, and second, taking your time and increasing your size with gentle force, you are pretty much guaranteed no side-effects, pain, your results will be very significant (7-9 inches), and your results will last for good.
Bottom line, it pays to stay safe.
I know the dangerous route pretty much includes all the most popular options you see everywhere you turn (pills, pumps, hanging weights, surgery, clamps, extenders, creams, etc.
), but if you want REAL results, and if you want to ensure that you obtain these results naturally, consistently, and permanently, then you certainly can't go wrong by choosing to go the 100% natural route.