Alternative Medicine Physicians
Before that, doctors did not have medical schools to attend, and they were trained by apprenticeship.
Today, traditional medical treatments are taught in medical schools.
Non-traditional, or alternative, medicine includes treatments like acupuncture, massage, and herbal medicines.
Although herbal medicine has been practiced for centuries it is still not widely recognized and licensed.
An alternative medicine physician's use of herbs is one of the oldest known medical treatments in the world.
The many different benefits of different plants have been handed down from generation to generation for centuries.
Many commonly prescribed medications actually come from plant extracts.
Herbs are often purified, packaged, and sold by health food stores.
Holistic medicine consists of health treatments meant to help patients harmonize their mind, body, and spirit.
Holistic alternative medicine physicians will commonly use nutrition, exercise, meditation, and relaxation techniques as part of their treatments.
Alternative Medicine Physicians and the Use of Herbs Herbal medicine has been used for treating a variety of symptoms since long before recorded history.
For example, the writings of ancient civilizations in China and Egypt describe medicinal uses of plants.
Africans and Native Americans alike use herbs in their healing rituals.
Scientists have found that the same herb is used for common purposes across the world.
Alternative Medicine Physicians and the Use of Herbs The specific ingredient that causes the relief of symptoms in most herbs is not actually known.
It is thought that the many ingredients in the entire herb work together to produce the desired effect.
Factors such as climate, the type of environment the herb is grown in, bugs, and soil will have an effect on how beneficial an herb will be.
Also, when and how the plant was harvested will play a role in it's effectiveness as well.
When receiving any type of treatment from an herbalist, the main goals will be to correct any imbalances, disrupt patterns of dysfunction, and treat the underlying cause of your symptoms.
Relief for specific symptoms may also be provided.
Alternative medicine physicians should be consulted before you begin any kind of treatment with an herbalist, even though they often treat many of the same ailments.
Herbal remedies should be taken under the watchful eye of a trained professional, and your primary care physician or an herbalist should be notified before you begin taking any herbs on your own.
The use of herbs by alternative medicine physicians is not a new practice, however they should still be used carefully.
Some herbs are harmless, but some can be quite dangerous if they are consumed.
Always speak with your doctor before taking any herbs.