Let Me Ask You
If I may ask you of a question
Of those of you on the podium
On the march to seek power
Of those of you on the back and front
Of those of you who are watching
And those of you who are running
If I may ask you one and only one question
What is it that drives you on?
What is your inner motivation?
For going through the scrutiny
Through the grueling inquisition
From us enlightened and lay men and women?
Is it really because you feel you are the best there is?
Or is it because you chose to stand and be counted?
To bow down and lift the weight of collective will?
To listen to us and to feel what we feel?
To ask us where we want to beand where we want to go?
Or to tell us what your enlightened good will intends?
So tell us please is it your well meant enlightened intentions?
Or on our enlightened and lay men and women's instincts?
That we ought to be casting our precious votes?
We have often heard and listened what you would do and don't
If we elected you, if we chose you to be the congress man,
The senator and the president
How humble would you be and how arrogant?
Would you listen to us and to tell us?
in What is trivia and what is so important
For our affairs here and everywhere else
Once you assume that office?
Would you be the all knowing do good-er
The invincible champion of all Global righteousness
Even when we feel it is to no man's land and to
nowhere that you are taking us?
Or would you turn around and listen to our lay men
and women's natural instincts?
And say wait a minute may be you might be right,
I will listen to your advice I will consider your insights?
Of those of you on the podium
On the march to seek power
Of those of you on the back and front
Of those of you who are watching
And those of you who are running
If I may ask you one and only one question
What is it that drives you on?
What is your inner motivation?
For going through the scrutiny
Through the grueling inquisition
From us enlightened and lay men and women?
Is it really because you feel you are the best there is?
Or is it because you chose to stand and be counted?
To bow down and lift the weight of collective will?
To listen to us and to feel what we feel?
To ask us where we want to beand where we want to go?
Or to tell us what your enlightened good will intends?
So tell us please is it your well meant enlightened intentions?
Or on our enlightened and lay men and women's instincts?
That we ought to be casting our precious votes?
We have often heard and listened what you would do and don't
If we elected you, if we chose you to be the congress man,
The senator and the president
How humble would you be and how arrogant?
Would you listen to us and to tell us?
in What is trivia and what is so important
For our affairs here and everywhere else
Once you assume that office?
Would you be the all knowing do good-er
The invincible champion of all Global righteousness
Even when we feel it is to no man's land and to
nowhere that you are taking us?
Or would you turn around and listen to our lay men
and women's natural instincts?
And say wait a minute may be you might be right,
I will listen to your advice I will consider your insights?