How to Collect Car Insurance After an Accident
- 1). Document the accident as thoroughly as you can at the scene. If possible, take pictures of the cars and their positions before you move the vehicles. The more documentation you can provide, the easier it will be for the insurance company and the police to determine exactly what happened and who is at fault.
- 2). Gather all of the information you need from the other driver, including the make, model and year of the other vehicle, the name of the insurance company and the policy number. Also, get a contact phone number and address for the other driver. Having complete information on the other driver makes it easier for your insurance company to handle your claim. If the police responded after the accident, be sure to get a copy of the police report as well.
- 3). Review your current insurance policy as soon as possible after the accident. Check the coverage you have on your car. If you do not have collision coverage on your car, your insurance policy will not cover the damages to your car. However, if the accident was the other person's fault, that person's insurance policy should cover the damage to your car.
- 4). Call your insurance company to report the accident and start the claim filing process. Call as soon after the accident as possible, using the toll-free number listed on your insurance card. Give the agent your name and policy number and provide as many details about the accident as you can. It is important that your case file be as detailed as possible, including the time of day the accident occurred, the weather conditions, the positions of the two vehicles and the names of all drivers and passengers. If anyone was injured in the accident, that information should be included as well.
- 5). Ask the insurance representative what happens next and what information is required to substantiate and verify your claim. If you have pictures of the accident scene and the damage to the vehicles, send or email those pictures to the insurance company using the address provided by the representative.
- 6). Talk to the insurance adjuster and provide any additional information requested. The insurance adjuster should contact you within a few days to look at the damage to the car and verify the information you have provided. In the meantime, be sure to get estimates for the repair of your vehicle. If the car is still able to be driven, you can continue to use it. If not, call the insurance company and ask if you are covered for the cost of a rental car. If your policy does include rental car coverage, be sure to keep all your receipts so you can submit them for reimbursement.
- 7). Provide copies of all the estimates to your insurance company. Wait to hear back from the insurance adjuster about your claim. Be prepared to wait them out if they respond with a lowball offer for the repair of your vehicle. If you can get around in the meantime and wait for the payment to fix your car, you can bargain from a position of strength. The car insurance company might try to minimize the amount they pay, so be prepared to fight for fair compensation.