Debt Settlement & Relief - The Last Step Before Filing Bankruptcy
In this period you will suffer from additional taxes called penalties and from the monthly interest which will increase your debt.
Once in debt there are several steps before filing for bankruptcy, but people seem to jump over these crucial steps and just declare themselves bankrupt with even thinking about their financial future.
The first step to take when you are in debt is to stop using your credit card.
That is the reason you are in this mess in the first place, and no good will come for spending more money which you do not have.
If your debt is not that big, but you want to pay lower interest because the ones practiced by the creditors drive you mad, then you can opt for debt consolidation.
Basically, your credit score is quite low due to the large amount of debt you have, but with the help of debt consolidation you can get another loan, despite your low credit score, and pay off the creditors.
This loan has lower interest rates and it won't cause you such bug problems in paying it back.
The last step before filing for bankruptcy is debt settlement.
If you already are in unsecured debt of more than 10 000 dollars, then you should forget about debt consolidation and just try debt settlement.
This debt relief option has became quite known over the last couple of years due to the fact that the government is trying to encourage people to use it, and at the same time discourage them from opting for bankruptcy.
The reason why debt settlement is so popular is because it is very efficient in clearing debt.
Not only does it cut your debt in half, but it will also provide you help until you get the rest of the amount.
This is made possible only if you are willing to deposit each month what you can afford and eventually pay the creditors back.
As you can see there are a few steps before declaring yourself bankrupt, and there is no reason to jump over the last and most crucial one - debt settlement.