Hussain, Baghdad, Iraq
It is true there exits premarital sex in almost all societies, including here in Egypt. But I think the issue here is exaggerated. I just graduated from university and from the people I know only five percent may have experienced premarital sex. Educated people don't do it - not because of the culture but because of religion, Islam, and this is the way it should be. It is so immature, people doing such things then regretting it afterwards.
Ameer, Cairo, Egypt
Reading this article and people's comments really resonates with the time I've spent studying in Egypt. Many of my male friends there were indeed from the middle class and the sexual frustration among them was palpable. Interestingly, it was this very same group which was constantly hanging around the mosque. One can easily understand how men in their early twenties, who are caught between a cultural and religious tradition which frowns on "improper" relations on one hand and their latent sexual urges on the other, might be very attracted to religious and social institutions - such as women wearing headscarves - designed to minimise the stirring up of sexual desires. Egyptians are generally religious, but I think these young men's sexual frustration makes them far more prone to accepting forms of Islam which more resemble ideology than they do religion.
Judd, Washington, DC, USA
Aren't there infinitely more important things for our societies to be concerned about than whether or not a girl is a virgin? Why is female sexuality viewed as something which must be controlled? How many girls and women have been irreparably damaged from dirty, back-street abortions because of the stigma and illegality of treatment? It is important that these issues be discussed. The silence makes hypocrites of everyone.
Farah, Beirut, Lebanon
I'm a Copt, a Christian Egyptian, living in Australia. My family and I left Egypt 16 years ago. Every time we go back to visit I am surprised by how things are changing. However I still find it difficult to imagine that pre-marital sex is becoming more and more acceptable. Even here in Australia, Coptic families instil in their children the importance of remaining chaste before marriage. To us, its a matter of spirituality... no question about it.
Neveen, Melbourne, Australia
I am Hindu and in my culture, too, sex before marriage is forbidden. I am almost 25 and have been seeing my boyfriend for four years now but we have never broken the rules. I strongly believe that we should try to preserve our culture and customs instead of wildly following the Western ways. We have to understand that being Western in not always cool.
Bhumika, USA
I am a physician from a Muslim country where talking about sex is taboo, unfortunately most of my friends, even specialists and nurses, have pre-marital sex. Hymenoplasty is another issues that is growing more and more, we had a hard time finding a girl for my brother to marry as most of the girls we had found, were not virgins. They think because they are Muslim, they are pure.
Parvaneh, Tehran, Iran
I hate the double standards set by a lot of Islamic societies that turn a blind eye towards Muslim men for being promiscuous either after marriage or before so I think it is really good that sex is being openly discussed in Muslim societies. Hopefully it will lead people to realise that women like men have sexual needs that need to be met. Therefore, it is important for society to realise that women are not "loose" or "indecent" if they sleep with a man they love before marriage, as long as the female is comfortable and loves her man and know her man well enough to have premarital sex.
Azam, Canada
Premarital sex is totally forbidden in Islam whether it is done by a male or female. The punishment for such an immoral act is the same for both the sexes. So let's not argue that this does not have an impact on boys as much as girls. In the hereafter, both will face the same.
Iqbal, Blackburn, England
I do not know in general how do men and women get to know each other. Most went to school together since we have mixed private schools and meet there. Friendships and relationships evolve when studying abroad, in Sharjah, Beirut and the US. But these days women face an enormous pressure to be intimate with a boyfriend. I am 22 years old and remain a virgin, yet where although I once had strong beliefs to remain so until marriage. recent experience has taught me that men have become more open about marrying non-virgins. Still, it's a huge risk I'm not ready to make.
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