Bank One Student Loans
For students who already have a student loan but their college expenses are still not met, Chase offers Bank One student loans that vary in types and the money they grant. Also, Bank One student loans grant the money to the student rather than the institute or the cosigner. This allows the student to use the loan amount for other college related expenditures that the other loans might not be covering. Bank One student loans may be used for tuition fee, living expenses, books or any other equipment that a student may require for the degree for example computers. These loans can sometimes also be used to cover transport expenses to the college.
It is also seen that private loans such as the Bank One student loans may grant more money than any other federally granted loans. These loans do not have cap or ceiling on the amount of money that can be loaned to a student and this allows students to cover all their college related expenses and not just tuition fees. However, all private loans are usually dependent on the program that the borrower is enrolled into and the credit history of the borrower. With a good credit history, the loan amount may be higher.
Bank One student loans are usually unsecured and do not require any sort of collateral. However, to ensure that the bank is repaid its loan amount, the banks usually require a cosigner in the form of legal guardians or parents. This happens in the event that the student lacks employment history and credit history.
Bank One student loans generally allow students to set their own terms of payment and defer the repayment of the loan. Usually, students prefer to defer the loan payment until their study period has completed or they have landed themselves a good job. Some students may also pay interest while studying so as to prevent the payments from increasing.
Before applying for any one type of loan, it is necessary to go through essentials of all types of student loans to make the best decision.