Your Business Opportunity Is Not That Interesting
When you are offering your products to people you will also want to remember the abovementioned saying. The product that your network marketing company creates is most likely a product that people already have access to. You may be selling the greatest shampoo in the world, but your customers already have a shampoo. You will not want to talk about the fact that you are selling shampoo. To have the best results you are going to want to tell your potential customers what the shampoo will do for them rather than tell them you have a great shampoo to sell them because they are as uninterested in your shampoo as they are in your business opportunity.
Now you understand that in order to introduce a business opportunity you cannot actually begin by talking about the opportunity. As we have discussed earlier, no one is interested in your mlm company and it will be difficult to interest them in the business especially if you are, as many multilevel marketing companies do, selling packages that retail for $500. It would be easier to sell an inexpensive product which would make it easier for them to automate an aspect of a multilevel marketing business. It is a good idea to begin here because your prospects do not know you and do not particularly trust you and will be hesitant to buy anything that costs $500.
You will gain more customers faster when the product you initially sell is less expensive and does not require that they buy into a business opportunity. At this point they will have had a financial interaction with you and they can see how you conduct yourself. They have a product that they like and are enthusiastic about and they may be more likely to join your business opportunity. All is not lost if they do not join your company; they may buy more inexpensive products from you in the future. The good thing about this strategy is that it eliminates the need to pitch to everybody.
It is not a good plan to tell everyone you know about your business opportunity like network marketing advisers tell you to do because your friends and family are not interested in your company. You are free from doing what network marketers always tell you, pitch to everyone you know. Now that you have given up trying to pull everyone into your business you can concentrate on the ones who would be really good for your business. Wouldn't it be better to have people in your downline who have had success in previous network marketing ventures? By becoming an internet leader you can attract other internet leaders who may join you in your business. This will breed success better than chasing people who don't want anything to do with your business.