Can I File for Unemployment in Any State?
- Federal law oversees each state's rules for unemployment benefits. To be eligible for unemployment in any state, you must have worked long enough or earned enough money during a period of time called a "base period." This base period can vary, but in most states, the base period is the first four out of the last five complete calendar quarters before you filed your claim.
- Your state has its own specific rules about who can and cannot receive unemployment, but federal guidelines require that you lost your job due to "lack of work." Lack of work can mean anything from the end of seasonal employment to job elimination, company downsizing or restructuring, or lack of company funds. A work-related injury may also be included, but if you've been permanently disabled and cannot work again, you may not receive unemployment benefits, because you will have no intention of rejoining the workforce. Instead, apply for Social Security disability benefits.
- Usually, you must apply for unemployment in the state in which you worked. If you worked in multiple states, or if you've moved, contact your current state's unemployment insurance agency -- it will help you file your claim with other states. If you're ready to file your claim, contact your state's unemployment insurance agency (see "Resources"). You may be able to file your claim online or by phone.
- Expect to wait up to three weeks after filing your claim to start receiving benefits. Once you receive your first check, you can expect your benefits to continue for up to 26 weeks. However, during times of high unemployment, your benefits may last up to 13 weeks longer. Your benefits are also taxable, but you may choose to have your state's unemployment insurance agency to automatically withhold taxes.