DUI in Arizona
Do you really need to take a cab after only one drink? No, not after one ounce of alcohol. Generally speaking, your blood alcohol level rises about .025% for each drink you have. The actual percent is based on your weight, sex, and other factors. Your body eliminates alcohol over time. And now there are relatively inexpensive devices to test your alcohol level. Local stores and catalogs carry personal breath testing devices.
Since all devices have an error factor, don't drive if yours reads .05% or over. But remember, the state doesn't have to prove you had a .08%, you are guilty if your ability to drive is impaired to the slightest degree.
The safest bet is to drive sober always. You're more likely to get where you're headed without that stop at the police station! You're less likely to need an attorney, pay fines, go to jail, pay higher insurance rates, and lose your driving privilege. . . or you could always call a cab.
Since all devices have an error factor, don't drive if yours reads .05% or over. But remember, the state doesn't have to prove you had a .08%, you are guilty if your ability to drive is impaired to the slightest degree.
The safest bet is to drive sober always. You're more likely to get where you're headed without that stop at the police station! You're less likely to need an attorney, pay fines, go to jail, pay higher insurance rates, and lose your driving privilege. . . or you could always call a cab.