Diabetes - Know the Risks and Symptoms and How to Properly Manage It
If our bodies don't produce enough insulin or can't use it properly, there will be a build up of it in the blood.
This is what we refer to as diabetes.
This article will look into the risks, symptoms and how to properly manage it.
There Are Different Types Of It: 1) Type 1 - This usually occurs when the pancreas produces very little insulin or nothing at all.
Not a lot of people have this type, only about 10% do.
They will usually take insulin shots for this.
2) Type 2 - This is the most common form.
About 90% of people have this type.
This type will happen when the body produces insulin, but it can't use it properly.
People can usually control this type with having a healthy eating habit.
If it doesn't work for them, they will also end up taking insulin injections.
3) Gestational - This type usually affects about 3% to 4% of pregnant women.
This is usually temporary, but it can develop into type 2 eventually.
Who Is Likely To Get Diabetes: There is no way to tell who will get type 1, but there are some specific factors that will increase a person's risk of developing type 2.
1) Age - If a person is 40 years of age or over, they can be at risk of developing it.
Although, in recent years, due to the fact that people are becoming more overweight, younger people are also at risk.
2) Weight - If a person is overweight with a lot of excess weight around the midsection, they will be at risk.
3) Having a high blood pressure or heart disease 4) Having a family member who has it already 5) Giving birth to a child weighing more than 4 kg (kilograms) or 9 lbs (pounds).
6) Having impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose 7) Having a background of Aboriginal, African, Asian, South Asian, or Hispanic decent What Are The Symptoms of Diabetes? Some things you need to watch out for: 1) Having a lack of energy or feeling extreme fatigue 2) Unusual thirst 3) Urinating frequently 4) Unusual hunger 5) Having weight loss or gain that is unexpected 6) Blurred vision 7) Having frequent infections 8) When you get bruises or cuts, they don't heal quick 9) Having tingling or numbness in your hands and feet How To Manage Diabetes: 1) Eat healthy and see you doctor, they can prescribe a great meal plan for you 2) Exercise - Make sure you get some physical activity everyday to control your weight and reduce stress 3) Maintain a healthy body weight 4) Stress Management - Try reducing your stress levels during the day