The Hidden Link Between Divorce and Professional Sports
Athletes who have to be away from home all the time for games and training find it difficult to maintain their marriages.
Couple that with abundant opportunities for infidelity, and it's a rare athlete that can make both sports and marriage work.
Since the divorce rate for other couples is around 50%, it becomes obvious that there must be a hidden link between playing professional sports and divorce.
Many of the reasons athletes have a high divorce rate are the same things that cause any divorce.
Choosing the wrong mate, getting married too young, and not making the marriage a top priority all lead to a high rate of divorce.
In addition, though, sports stars have the added pressures of long-distance relationships, a plethora of women throwing themselves at them because they're famous, and having to learn to deal with money and fame too quickly without time to learn how to manage the power they bring correctly.
Others marry before their rise to celebrity status, and eventually they decide they'd rather be single again and be able to play the wide field that has opened up before them.
In some marriages where the profession of one spouse or the other is causing marital issues, the people involved may decide to take another career path in order to save their relationship.
Highly-paid professional athletes aren't likely to embrace a change in lifestyle feeling that their marriage is much more expendable than their career is.
You can well imagine how difficult it would be to give up a life of fame and fortune, and these pros usually aren't willing to do so.
After all, what are they going to do if they give up the sports they know and love? Certainly nothing that's going to pay just as well.
It's appalling that the divorce rate amongst sports professionals is so high and that so many wives and children are getting caught in the cross fire.
Given the statistics, athletes should realize that they need to put a private life on hold throughout their professional career.
Since sports stars retire earlier than other people, there's plenty of time left after retirement to have a wife and children.
Now, in an era where many people are waiting longer to get married, it should be a simple matter for athletes to do likewise.