How Do I Make Him Fall in Love With Me - And Keep His Feelings For Me?
Feelings cannot be forced and feelings come and go, so if you want to keep his feelings for you, things must be done to keep it.
Firstly, you must give him his own space and time.
Do not bug him round the clock and spam his phone with your calls and messages.
You will only give him a reason to detest being around you, and he will find you irritating.
This is something you do not want.
Nobody wants a desperate person.
So, give yourself and him some time and space apart.
This will also show that you have a certain amount of trust in him, and that you are independent.
Guys totally love women who are with confidence and do not doubt too much about their relationship.
You need a life for yourself too, do not let your world revolve around him.
Be reminded that you live for yourself and not him.
This way, he will not feel so tied down with you, and he will actually look forward to and want to spend time with you when you can find the time for him! Try to enjoy the process, be it sad or happy, it will just shape your character and make you a stronger person.
No need to hold on to things too tightly because when things started going downhill, you will be the one who falls the hardest.