How to Grow Jalapeno Peppers Aeroponically
- 1). Place jalapeno seeds in the growing pods or divisions of your aeroponic garden. This system doesn't require any growing foundation as it dangles the plant roots in open air for circulation. Secure the pods in their places.
- 2). Give the peppers the nutrition they require with vegetable-specific nutrients. Use seedling hydroponic nutrients during the first half of the season and fruiting nutrients when the plants bloom. Mix the nutrients with water according to the manufacturer's directions and use this mixture as your water source. The plants cannot survive without this nutrition.
- 3). Put the aeroponic garden in a site with all-day light. Peppers grow in both natural and artificial light but will not bloom in shade or weak lighting. Keep the peppers at 65 to 75 degrees Fahreneit for best growing and fruiting.
- 4). Set the aeroponic garden to circulate 2 to 3 inches of water over the pepper seeds and roots every week. Pepper plants produce small, bitter fruits without adequate water and nutrition. Refill the water tray with water and nutrient mix as needed.
- 5). Harvest jalapeno peppers when they reach mature coloration and become firm and juicy. These peppers provide their best harvest as young, tender fruits. Leave the peppers on the vine longer for size and heat.