Install Solar Panels at the White House and Congressional Building
It is time for the United States Government to make a stand on solar energy.
One thing we could do to impress upon people the need to put solar panels in their homes, small businesses and even on top of their recreational vehicles is to lead by example.
The best way to do this is to install solar panels on the congressional building, the White House and the Smithsonian Museum.
In fact the goal should be to operate these government buildings by 100 percent solar energy.
It can be done and it should be done and no doubt this would set the pace and the proper example for the American people to move forward with solar energy.
These government buildings would still be connected to the grid in case there was a really cloudy month, but for the most part they would run 100 percent on solar power.
Now that the technology makes more sense in that solar cells now can be made 65 percent more efficient than just five years ago and that the prices come down by over 50 percent; it appears that the justification of the return on investment is clearly there.
We should therefore move towards more solar power and not just to save money, but because we can and because the Sun is therefore us each and every day.
Wasting energy takes no brainpower at all, but using energy wisely takes a little more strategic thinking and makes a lot more sense.
Consider this in 2006.
One thing we could do to impress upon people the need to put solar panels in their homes, small businesses and even on top of their recreational vehicles is to lead by example.
The best way to do this is to install solar panels on the congressional building, the White House and the Smithsonian Museum.
In fact the goal should be to operate these government buildings by 100 percent solar energy.
It can be done and it should be done and no doubt this would set the pace and the proper example for the American people to move forward with solar energy.
These government buildings would still be connected to the grid in case there was a really cloudy month, but for the most part they would run 100 percent on solar power.
Now that the technology makes more sense in that solar cells now can be made 65 percent more efficient than just five years ago and that the prices come down by over 50 percent; it appears that the justification of the return on investment is clearly there.
We should therefore move towards more solar power and not just to save money, but because we can and because the Sun is therefore us each and every day.
Wasting energy takes no brainpower at all, but using energy wisely takes a little more strategic thinking and makes a lot more sense.
Consider this in 2006.