CVs That Get the Job Done
Odds are you wouldn't end up using that company - because they aren't talking about what they can do for you.
Why should your CV be any different? Writing your CV shouldn't be some random annoying chore - you're creating your promotional material.
Where a brochure is meant to get you to call the company, a CV is just one way of getting called in for an interview.
Instead of making your CV a list of every job you've had and the time that you held it, use your CV to tell a story.
You still have to stick to the headings and text conventions, but organize them so that they effectively map what you've done and why it's relevant.
The conclusion to the story? That you're perfect for the job that you're seeking! Make the best of your experience and qualifications to present yourself strategically and effectively.
Put yourself in the employer's shoes.
They constantly receive CVs, and after a while, they all start looking alike.
This isn't just because employers become jaded - most CVs really do look the same.
The details may be different, but they don't really say much about what the employee can do for the company.
Make sure that your CV stands out of the pile, both in terms of content and in terms of looks.
Put some thought into your headings, and organize them effectively so that they clearly and concisely show what you're all about.
It's common to list the duties that were involved in past jobs on your CV.
That's great, but there are way too many CVs out there that list things like "answered the phone" for a secretarial position.
Of course you answered the phone...
but what did you learn? Focus on skills, accomplishments, and lessons learned from each position that you held.
This will give the prospective employer a much better idea of who you really are.
How does your past position translate into you being a great employee in the future? Everything that you put on your CV should be something that you are proud of, and something that you feel supplements and reinforces your value proposition.
Does your one month of work at a fast food joint warrant a space on your CV? It depends on whether or not there was anything noteworthy about your time there that will carry forward.
As a rule of thumb, if you hated the job or didn't stay long, don't put it on your CV.
Quality over quantity is the key, and you don't want to get stuck in an interview explaining why you stayed for such a short time.
Look over your CV once it's done, and with each line ask yourself, "does this help me or hurt me?" Your prospective employer will be doing the same thing.
Finally, your CV is also much better left behind than sent ahead.
When you get a brochure in your mail box or email inbox, do you actually read it? Or are you much more likely to read a brochure that someone has given to you by hand, after you've had the benefits explained? This is where networking comes in.
Whenever possible, it's better to meet with someone and leave your CV as a reminder of your encounter.
This gives a serious, professional message to the employer: you aren't just expecting the job to fall on your lap, you're actively out there networking and asserting your presence.