Attraction Marketing - Why People Do Not Buy From You and What to Do About It
Remember the first time you were exposed to a network marketing company.
What was your response to it? I remember mine.
I said, "I'm skeptical!" This is a normal reaction to an exposure to anything new, especially when it seems too good to be true.
In this article, I will list the four major reasons people do not buy from you.
Then we will focus on the last of these, "believability".
We will talk about how to get over the hurdles of skepticism and build trust in your potential customer.
Attraction Marketing and Why People Do Not Buy from You A pioneer in applying attraction marketing to network marketing, observes the value of asking why people do not buy from you as a fruitful way of increasing your sales.
This pioneer says, "When it comes to selling, a lot of time is spent talking about why people should buy from you, but not enough time is spent talking about why people don't buy from you.
" She points out that decreasing the number of no's usually gives far greater returns than focusing on increasing the number of yes's.
She says there are four major reasons why people will not buy from you.
==Reason #1 - They do not know about you.
==Reason #2 - They do not want what you are selling.
==Reason #3 - They do not want what you are selling more than what they would have to give up to get it.
==Reason #4 - They do not believe you.
For this article, I will focus on just the last of these four reasons.
How do we face the skepticism of our prospects and how do we build confidence? Attraction Marketing and the Problem of "Believability" in Network Marketing.
It is no secret that many people are skeptical of network marketing.
There are many things that feed this skepticism.
It is estimated that 14% of Americans have been involved in some kind of network marketing at some time in their lives.
Given the "hype" that is so much a part of the industry, it is no surprise that there are many stories of people failing and getting hurt.
Even if a person has never done MLM, they have doubtless heard about it, usually in a negative way, from a friend or a relation.
Attraction Marketing and How to Address Skepticism in Network Marketing I read this valuable tip.
"Address their skepticism right off the bat.
Don't avoid it.
" By stating the reasons why people are skeptical and then affirming them, you help diffuse their skepticism.
You might say, "You've probably heard of people who got in and after 6 months they hadn't made a cent or even worse they got ripped off.
It is true that there is a high rate of attrition in network marketing.
Some of the reasons for this are...
" The key here is to differentiate yourself from the average network marketer.
Avoid making exaggerated claims while pointing out the real potential.
Even better, attraction marketing recommends that you offer to coach them in learning basic methods of attracting prospects to them through leveraging the internet and using it's ability to sort and sift prospects for you automatically and then deliver to you highly qualified prospects.
Being able to do this as an affiliate and make money before you even choose a network marketing company, is an added confidence builder.
This offers them the possibility to get educated and become skilled in the use of the internet before making a decision about an MLM company.
Buying into an opportunity is a big decision that should not even be asked for until you have worked with and gained the respect and confidence of your prospect.