How Do You Find Out the Best Water Purification Process Out There?
The reason why it is so important is pretty obvious.
Different processes have different effects on drinking water and not all of them produce the same quality.
So, it becomes very important to know the process of purification behind every single apparatus to find out how effective they are.
To begin with, let me explain water purification.
This is nothing but the process of removing harmful chemicals and other unwanted substances from water and making it purer and safer to drink.
Now, one of the most important things to note here is that there are several useful minerals present in water which are very, very vital for human body.
The purified water you drink must have these useful minerals in order to supply you with all the vital nutrients you want for your day-to-day activities.
In other words, a water purification process can be considered effective only if it is able to retain the useful minerals and remove the harmful substances.
Sadly, most water purifiers do not do this.
In order to explain water purification further, I need to tell you about the different technologies used in water purifiers.
A lot of water purifiers use technologies such as distillation and reverse osmosis which are not considered the best water purification methods by doctors around the world.
The reason is not hard to find.
The water you get from a distillation unit or from a reverse osmosis unit is as clean as the distilled water they use for chemical experiments.
It has no trace of essential minerals as these water purification methods completely remove them and it tastes dreadful most of the times.
So, it is neither tasty nor healthy which makes it completely useless.
Thankfully though, there is a water purification process which is effective and reliable at the same time.
It is carbon filtration.
Carbon filters can remove the harmful, unwanted substances from water pretty effectively and they can do so without disturbing the essential minerals already present in water.
Multi chambered carbon filtration units sell like hot cake these days in the market precisely because of the reason that they are able to purify water and yet retain the taste and the essential minerals.
This is also the reason why a lot of doctors recommend this water purification process to parents, as it is very important for children to drink pure water when they grow up.
So, if I were to explain water purification in one sentence, this would be it - removing harmful contaminants while retaining the essential minerals and other useful substances.
Could your choice get any simpler?