Getting Surrogacy Price Down Will Facilitate Several Unfruitful Couples to Afford Treatment
Surrogacy in India is still a far away dream for millions of middle EUR"class childless couples. Sometimes a surrogate mother wants much favour because some of them are very poor and they want a better lifestyle for their children, so they charge a hefty amount of money because they get a lot of amount from others who come from outside. They become used to that type of treatment and they like to become a surrogate mother to a couple who can afford to give more amounts to them.
Surrogacy Cost in India are low or sometimes nil if somebody from the family members agree to help their relatives like sister or any other female member of the family surrogacy is of two types one is called IVF gestational that include a personEUR(TM)s own egg and the other one involves gestational procedure with donor egg. But if a poor couple wants to have a child of their own, it becomes simply too difficult because they canEUR(TM)t afford to pay that kind of amount.
Surrogacy Cost should be little low so that the needy couples also can fulfil their wish and have a child of their own as it will include either the genes of both the couple or either of them. As it is in our society people go through a lot for surrogacy because sometimes our society will criticize us for doing so or our own people, to make them understand that this is nothing wrong and the child is part of their life. It involves a lot of preparations for a couple not only monetary but also mental preparations to tell the family members.
Surrogacy in India was started in the National capital New Delhi. Slowly with time it became popular. But a class of people has been always there who always opposes this method. They think that it is unethical and immoral. But they donEUR(TM)t see and feel the joy of many childless couples when these couplesEUR(TM) get an angel of their own gene. If the surrogacy cost can come down a little then million of childless couples can have a hope of having a child of their own. Adoption is the next option, but most of us think it would be better if we have a child of our own who is having our own genes whom we can call our own and bring joyous moments in our life. But the cost should be less so that middle class people also can fulfil their dreams and have a bundle of joy of their own.
The cost of surrogacy is less in India that has people from US come to India and the surrogate mother is also easily available; moreover there are no legal issues here so there is less hassle. Surrogacy cost in their own country becomes more for them and one more advantage is they can take the child back home and the identity of the surrogate mother is kept under wraps, the child is away from the surrogate so no need of worries for the parents at all. But sometimes it is emotionally problematic for the surrogate mother.