Cellulite and How to Remove Cellulite
Following puberty, Cellulite can occur at any age and although it does affect both sexes, women are affected to a far greater degree. Furthermore and contrary to popular belief, cellulite has nothing to do with being overweight. However, the diet factors that contribute to cellulite do also contribute to becoming overweight. With cellulite being the kind of condition that can affect confidence and body image, cellulite treatment is a real priority for many women.
"Cellulite" is not a medical term, rather the commonly used name for collections of fat that push against the connective tissue beneath a person's skin, which causes the surface of the skin to dimple, pucker and look lumpy. Medical authorities agree that cellulite is simply ordinary fatty tissue.
Threads of fibrous tissue attach the skin to deeper tissue layers as well as separate compartments that hold fat cells. When fat cells increase in size, these compartments bulge and produce a waffled appearance of the skin.
It is widely accepted that the difference between male and female fat cells is also the reason behind why cellulite is more prominent in Women. In simple terms, a woman's connective tissues are very inflexible, so as females gain weight their fat cells expand, and tend to bulge up towards the surface of the skin.
Poor diet, bad circulation, sluggish digestion, intake of toxins and fluid retention can all also act as a barrier to those who are trying to get rid of cellulite.
Remove Cellulite.
Treatments like liposuction (surgery to remove fat) and mesotherapy (injection of drugs into cellulite) are expensive or often produce only temporary improvement. A lot of doctors say that liposuction isn't a very effective way of treating cellulite because liposuction is intended to remove deep fat rather than cellulite, which is close to the skin.
It is vital to consider all of the different options available bearing in mind all the factors including success rates, ease of treatment and cost. It is also worth considering alternative cellulite treatments such as Micro-Needling.
Cellulite Cream.
In theory, cream ingredients like methylxanthine decrease fluid retention, which could make cellulite worse. Although these creams and ointments may well reduce or remove cellulite in the laboratory, it is very difficult for topical agents (medications that are applied to the skin rather than ingested or injected) to penetrate all the layers of skin. After all, our skin is designed to act as a defensive barrier and everyone reacts differently to these creams. It is worth noting however that their effectiveness can be massively boosted by micro-needling.
Living With Cellulite.
Perhaps the easiest thing to do, rather than try to get rid of cellulite is to learn to live with it. In a lot of cases, no matter what remedy is tried, the surface of the skin remains looking bumpy. If you have tried all ways of treating Cellulite, just push it aside and accept that many people live with it every day of their lives. Regardless of how we appear on the outside, being confident in our own skin comes from who we are on the inside.