Beeswax Cleaning
- A honeybee has to consume six to 10 pounds of honey to create one pound of beeswax. The beeswax is excreted in minute flakes from glands located on the bottom side of their abdomens. After the honey is removed and the beeswax is cleaned, it can be used for many purposes.
- According to the website in its article "Homemade Beeswax Furniture Polish Recipes," the simplest way to make your own furniture polish with beeswax is to combine 2 1/2 cups turpentine, 4 ounces of beeswax and 2 tablespoons carnauba wax. Slowly melt the waxes in a double boiler and then remove it from the heat source. After adding the turpentine to the mixture, use a wooden spoon to stir it. Pour the mixture into clean, wide-mouth jars, put the lids on and allow it to cool before using. To use as a furniture polish, take a textured cloth, add a little of the beeswax mixture and rub in circles. Once you have finished cleaning the furniture, use a clean, soft cloth to buff it. This will result in a lustrous shine and will protect and condition your wood furniture.
Another effective method of creating furniture polish from beeswax is to melt 5 ounces of beeswax and 1 tablespoon carnauba wax in a double boiler, remove it from the heat source, pour in 1 pint of linseed oil and mix well. The final step is to add 2 pints of turpentine, stirring slowly. Pour the polish into clean jars and seal. - It's always best to use wide-mouth jars so your hand can easily fit into the jars.
Do not add the solvents while the cooking pot is still on the stove. Turpentine is highly flammable.
Odorless turpentine is more expensive but just as effective as regular turpentine and it doesn't have the strong odor.
Experiment to find just the right mixture. If you feel your paste is too thick, add more solvent; if it's too thin, add more wax.
Avoid leaving wax in cracks on the furniture. Buff it out or use a toothpick or other small tool to remove it.
Carnauba wax and beeswax can be purchased in most hardware and specialty stores or can be bought online.