How to Make Your Own Online Music Station
- 1). Decide on which radio hosting site you would like to use. The main steps generally stay the same, but we will discuss Pandora for continuity purposes.
- 2). Register for the site. Without registering, the website has no way of saving your radio station, as they save to your account. You'll find free registration for most all sites, very simple and user friendly. If you'd like to just see how it works, Pandora will automatically connect to your Facebook account (if you have one) and play you music from the music section you have listed in your Facebook interests. After three or four songs, it will then ask you to sign up.
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If the artist you typed in tends to use a lot of brass instruments, the station will look for other artists that do the same.Trumpet 4 image by Chad Perry from
Listen to the music that starts playing automatically. It should continue to play things based off of your Facebook interests. If it does not (or if you would like to even further personalize your radio station), click "Create a New Station..." to the left of the songs in your station. Type in an artist or song that pleases your eardrums. Pandora will search its musical database and begin playing you a song! You may not hear the artist or song you typed in---Internet radio stations tend to search for music that it thinks you'll like based on your one interest you typed in. - 4). Add variety to your radio station! Listening to nothing but The Ink Spots can get overwhelming at times, so Internet radio stations give you the option to add more than just one musical reference to your station! In Pandora, click "Add Variety" underneath the name of your radio station. This will bring up the box you used to type in the first recommendation. Type in another artist or song and click "Add," and it'll add that type of music to your station. If you'd like to keep your genres of music separate, however, you can make a radio station for each one!
- 5). Take full advantage of the options the on-line radio station gives you. If you click the "Options" button next to the "Add Variety" button, a myriad of options will open up to you: sharing, editing, renaming and deleting the station hide themselves here, as well as the ability to find other people who like the same type of music you do!