BPH Symptoms Prayed And Slept Away?
Let me give you an example.
There was a guy who was recently suffering from prostate problems.
He had all the "usual suspect" BPH symptoms -- like having a frequent urge to urinate, excessive dribbling, not being able to get a full night's sleep without having to go to the bathroom several times, a very weak urine stream (that took minutes just to get started), loss of sex drive and more.
He was miserable.
And, he was also worried about what would happen if he just ignored his prostate enlargement, and sought out answers.
Well, guess what? Not long afterward, the guy was doing much better.
Most of his symptoms of enlarged prostate were evaporating.
And even the ones that still lingered were not nearly as aggravating, and were well on their way out the door, too.
What did he do to make this happen? Would you believe: 1.
Prayer 2.
Rest 3.
Change of diet to eating more healthy That's what he said he did, those three simple things.
Does this work for everyone? Not necessarily -- but it goes to show you don't have to spend a fortune on medications, surgery and flavor-of-the-month pills.
Sometimes BPH symptoms can be dealt with just by making a few simple changes and listening to your body when it gives you signals (i.
being overworked, malnourished, etc).